Center for RNA Biology and Medicine

The Center for RNA Biology and Medicine at the University of California, Riverside is a multi-disciplinary research center that builds upon UCR’s deep and unique strengths in RNA research and facilitates interdisciplinary interactions to promote fundamental science discoveries and to address RNA-centric industrial, biomedical, and therapeutic needs.

Sika Zheng
Sika Zheng, PhD

"RNA and the Cycle of Life"

As a child, Professor of Biomedical Sciences and Founding Director of the Center for RNA Biology and Medicine, Sika Zheng, PhD., was fascinated by the cycle of life and death. That interest led him to pursue a PhD in neuroscience. Now he and his team are working on ways to make neurons live longer and searching for protective mechanisms.

Read more about Dr. Zheng and his work



2nd annual symposium speakers
2nd annual RNA symposium speakers

"Second annual RNA symposium advances research and fosters collaborations"

The Center for RNA Biology and Medicine, hosted its second annual RNA symposium on November 3, 2023, bringing together prominent external investigators in the RNA-research community. Promoting research and collaborations, the symposium attracted 222 registrants. Attendees included National Academy of Sciences members and prominent scientists from UC Riverside, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, UC Irvine, Stanford University, University of Toronto SickKids Research Institute, and City of Hope. Check out the symposium program and schedule.
2nd annual symposium reel
2nd annual symposium photo reel





Center for RNA Biology and Medicine


"Single-molecule tracking reveals dynamic regulation of ribosomal scanning"
Authors: Hea Jin Hong, Antonia L. Zhang, Adam B. Conn, Gregor Blaha, Seán E. O’Leary
Publication date: October 2, 2024

"Translation initiation factor eIF1.2 promotes Toxoplasma stage conversion by regulating levels of key differentiation factors"
Authors: Fengrong Wang 1, Michael J Holmes 2, Hea Jin Hong 3, Pariyamon Thaprawat 1 4, Geetha Kannan 1, My-Hang Huynh 1, Tracey L Schultz 1, M Haley Licon 5, Sebastian Lourido 5 6, Wenzhao Dong 7 8 9, Jailson Brito Querido 7 8 9, William J Sullivan Jr 2 10, Seán E O'Leary 3 11, Vern B Carruthers 12
Publication date: May 23, 2024


Recruitment Opportunities

The Division of Biomedical Sciences within the School of Medicine at the University of California Riverside is seeking to hire three new faculty members at the tenure track assistant professor, tenured associate or full professor rank. The search area is broadly defined, including RNA.

See the job posting at AP Recruit

Our Research

Key areas of current research include the elucidation of RNA biogenesis, RNA processing and modifications, RNA coding of phenotypic variability, and establishing the role of RNA in disease and the exploration of RNA-based-and RNA-targeted therapies.

Visit our Research page


Our Investigators

Center investigators are a composition of diverse, talented, and accomplished researchers united by a common goal: to understand the role of RNA across biology and medicine fields.

Meet our Investigators


The Center is planning to recruit new talented RNA researchers to UCR. We anticipate growth of our center in partnership with UCR School of Medicine, CNAS and BCOE.

Learn more about recruitment

Donate to Support RNA Research

We thank our donors for their generosity to support the RNA community and innovative RNA research at UCR.

Make a gift to support our research