
Symposium Program and Schedule

2023 Symposium Center for RNA in Biology and Medicine Program and Schedule

Friday, November 3, 2023
Genomics Auditorium and Lobby, UC Riverside

Don W. Cleveland

Keynote Speaker: Don Cleveland, PhD.

Distinguished Professor, UC San Diego

2018 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences

"Designer DNA Drug Therapy for Neurodegenerative Disease”

Symposium Schedule

Schedule subject to change

Registration. Badge pick-up. Poster set-up.
sika zheng
Symposium Opens
Welcome and Introduction to Center for RNA in Biology & Medicine 
Sika Zheng, PhD., Director, Center for RNA in Biology & Medicine
Professor, Division of Biomedical Sciences
School of Medicine, University California, Riverside
R. Torres
Welcome Address
Rodolfo H. Torres, PhD., Vice Chancellor, Research & Economic Development
University of California, Riverside
Don W. Cleveland
Keynote Speaker
"Designer DNA Drug Therapy for Neurodegenerative Disease"
Don Cleveland, PhD., Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
University of California, San Diego
2018 Life Sciences Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences
Group Photo
Coffee Break
Maria Ninova
Session I: RNA Processing and Quality Control
Chair, Maria Ninova, PhD. 
Assistant Professor
Biochemistry Department, UC Riverside
Yongsheng Shi
"mRNA 3' processing and deflation"
Yongsheng Shi, PhD., Professor & Chancellor's Fellow
Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine
Jens Lykke-Andersen
"Small non-coding RNA quality control in gene expression and disease"
Jens Lykke-Andersen, PhD., Professor
Department of Molecular Biology
University of California, San Diego
Lunch and Poster Presentations
Sean O'Leary
Session II: Translation
Chair, Sean O'Leary, PhD., Assistant Professor

Biochemistry Department, UC Riverside

Joseph Puglisi
"The exquisite choreography of translation initiation"
Jody Puglisi, PhD., Jauch Professor
Department of Structural Biology
Stanford University
Gloria Brar
"The cellular impact and regulation of long undecoded transcript isoform production and destruction"
Gloria Brar, PhD, Associate Professor
Molecular and Cell Biology
University of California, Berkeley


Afternoon Break and Poster Session
Djurdjica Coss
Session III: RNA in Diseases
Chair, Djurdjica Coss, PhD, Professor
Division of Biomedical Sciences, UC Riverside
Y. Wang
"RNA Modifications in Nucleotide Repeat Expansion Diseases"
Yinsheng Wang, PhD., Distinguished Professor
Chemistry Department
University of California, Riverside
Lili Wang
"Posttranscriptional regulation of RNA splicing in leukemia"
Lili Wang, PhD., Associate Professor
Department of Systems Biology
Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope National Medical Center
James Ellis, PhD.
"Buffering of transcription rate by mRNA half-life in Rett syndrome neurons and in neurodevelopment"
James Ellis, PhD., Senior Scientist
Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
SickKids Research Institute
Award announcements and closing remarks